1. What is Domino gutter tube failure?

The “Domino gutter tube failure” is show onthe disply of DOMINO Printer.

The ink dots could only be printed to the products after automatically being processed by Domino printer, the ones which needn’t be printed will be recycle to the main ink cartridge through gutter tube.

However, it could bring about a problem: if all the ink dots are sprayed out of the gutter tube, they could not be recycled back to the main ink cartridge, then the ink will keep on wasting until the lowest ink level, which will finally activate ink level alarm system will turn off the printer. This not only waste a lot of ink, but also pollutes the environment.

Actually when designing the Domino printer, technistic have noticed this problem and given the solution. They added a sensor to the recycle system, that is Domino Sensor Tube STD Assembly, to detect whether the ink has been recycled. If the ink is not recycled, the alarming system will turn off the printer.


2. Case Analysis:

Hongxin Machinery has received a feedback from a customer with his Domino printer shows “Domino gutter tube failure” on the disply. Firstly, our technistic thought it was caused by the tilt of inkjet, so we clean the nozzle and print head, and then the printer was running normally. But 1 hour later, the problem came out again. However, our technistic did not found the tilt of the inkjet and the suck of the gutter tube is normal.

At last, our technistic judged that problem came out from the gutter sensor. After changing a new sensor, the printer is back to normal running again.


3. Summary:

Generally speaking, if Domino printer show ” “Domino gutter tube failure” on the display, it might be causedby the problem of tilt of inkjet, which makes the gutter tube failure to recycle the ink dots; but it may also caused by the problem of gutter tube blocking; only a few case, there might be caused by problem of gutter sensor. We should solve the problem in different ways according to different reasons.


We hope the above solutions can help you solve your problem.


If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us, we provide provide our best service.–Hongxin Machinery Co.,Ltd